Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Essay for your last paper before the Final Exam

Essay for your last paper before the Final Exam:

Due Date:  Wednesday, February 3 at 9 PM

As you read the Gospels, you will see that there are many characters depicted.  Some are sinners, some are believers, some are good, and some bad.  You are going to write about Christ’s relationship with three different people:  1) an apostle, 2) a stranger that Jesus meets only one time, and 3) a person other than an apostle (no Judas allowed) who does Jesus wrong. 

Explain his relationship with each of the characters you have chosen. 

Consider the following:  Who are these people?  Does Jesus treat each one the same, or are there differences?  Is his language consistent with them?  His message?  Does he show any special qualities of compassion, love, forgiveness, respect, kindness?   Is he stern or yielding?   

NOTE:  You can only use the gospels, and if you have only read Mark in its entirety, then do a search for the characters you are focusing on, so that you can see how they are portrayed in the other gospels.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Professor, how many words would you like the essay to have? I did not see that posted? Thank you!
